Wednesday, August 31, 2011

sigma beta, beta sigma meeting in the mountains

The Poconos, Pennsylvania - HISTORY IS BEING WRITTEN, by members of the Sigma Beta Sorority and the Beta Sigma Fraternity in North America who are based in New York & New Jersey, with the preparation in full swing for a historic first of its kind, the 1st International Orchid Ball & Fraternity Ball In New York City. It is scheduled to take place on May 24, 25, 26 & 27, 2012 - Memorial Day Weekend at the Grand Ballroom of the Marriott Hotel La Guardia.

An Affair To Remember Forever, everyone in the Sigma Beta and Beta Sigma community worldwide  including their loved ones is invited to come visit New York City and enjoy everything it has to offer.  Be part of this Orchid Ball & Fraternity Ball and experience the hospitality of the Sigma Beta & Beta Sigma Family in this part of the Betan World.

Two Balls In One, now what could be better than that?

Details will be announced as soon as it is made available.

For now, please enjoy these images that were taken from the recent meeting and weekend family getaway by this bunch of few, happy few, band of brothers and sisters.

Summation of Beauty, Sol, Mayee, Cathy, Kat & Blossom

Betan Kids

Early Betan Birds, James, Cathy, Manny, Mer & Mangie

Maroons in the Mountain, Chet & Sol

Princess Jara Jenica

Beatrice & Jamie

New York Beta Sigma & Sigma Beta Family

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