Thursday, July 30, 2009

malmon in canada

seated: Joe Llames UP '61, new york GP Jun Castro MLQU '78, eastern usa GP Wally Kison UPLB '74, Titus Morales PSBA '67
standing: unnamed brod, Roldan Subrean ABC '78A and Franklin Gabriel USC '74, Mangie Padilla CLSU '80B behind the group

father and son. Francis Galoso UPLB '06F,  GP Wally Kison and Babes Galoso UP '69B 

team NY '09-'11 adviser Babes Galoso, tio Art De Vera UPLB 64, Nick Galvez UPLB '69, Andy Rubio PMC-Med '85B, GP Wally & Joe

Mer Quimson GAUF '84A with eastern usa brods - GP Wally, Franklin & Titus

images courtesy of  eastern usa GP Wally Kison

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